Sambal Fried Noodles

Sambal Fried Noodles - Nyonyalite



  1. Heat some cooking oil in a wok or skillet over medium heat.

  2. Add the chopped garlic, shallots, and dried shrimp. Stir-fry until fragrant and golden.

  3. Stir in 5 teaspoons of Nyonyalite Sambal Ayam Penyet. For those who love extra spice, you can add more sambal to taste.

  4. Add the yellow noodles and stir-fry until the noodles are evenly coated with the sambal and the flavors blend perfectly.

  5. Toss in the sliced fish cakes and cook for about a minute.

  6. Finally, add your vegetables and stir-fry until everything is well-cooked and packed with flavor.

With Nyonyalite Nyonya Paste, this Sambal Fried Noodles recipe is an easy way to enjoy a spicy and savory meal at home. Perfect for those who love authentic flavors with a kick of heat!